
Hello! My name is Rosie

I have been working at Little Squirrels Play Forest since we opened in 2016. I have 5 years experience within the early years and completed my childhood studies degree in 2017. I will be starting my Early years teacher training in September 2020.

I love working at Little Squirrels as I am passionate about the nursery's ethos and way of teaching. I work with an amazing team who are dedicated in making sure that each child that walks through the door has the very best start in their early childhood and education.

I love working with children, following their lead, learning about their interests and ideas and seeing where their imagination takes us 🙂 to be apart of the first precious years of their childhood is an honour!

Outside of nursery I enjoy going for walks in the forest and to the beach, I love visiting cafes and drinking lots of coffee!

What the staff team say about me:
Rosie is always professional, creates a positive and caring environment

What Suzie says about me:
Rosie is such an important member of our team, and is a wonderful person for me to share the nursery with. The care and hard work she puts into the setting is amazing. She is always there ready to help whenever it is needed

Training and Qualifications 

BA (Hons) childhood studies

Child protection

First aid


Food hygiene

Safer food better business

Allergy training

Epi pen training

Seizure training

Step on

Writing support plans for children with SEND

Setting SENCO

Setting SLP

two year progress checks


Understanding autism: the invisible condition

Understanding autism: using visual aids

Attention autism

Intensive interactions

PECs training

Sensory intergration

Inspired by babies

Boxall Profile - Emotional Development

Vocabulary Development

Understanding Spoken Language

Planning in the Moment

Language for Thinking (The Blank Language Scheme)

Exploring Language and Early Narrative Skills

Play for Language and Literacy

Developing Speech and Phonological awareness


Are you ready for your OFSTED inspection?

Supporting positive behaviour

Mindfulness in Nursery

Theories of Language acquisition

The importance of developing Self-Esteem

Speech, Language and communication: Definitions, typical development and impact on other areas of learning

Identification and assessment of Speech, Language and Communication Needs

The communication Environment, including the home environment and engaging parents

What is communication? - Language and Literacy for 2-4 year olds

Communication friendly settings, adult - child interaction and working with families

Literacy Learning - Reading and writing for ages 2-4 years

Supporting the early stages of reading and writing

Developing Excellence in Maths, Literacy and Science through Children’s Understanding of pattern

Managing a Critical Incident in an Early Years Setting

Bereavement awareness training

Moving in, Moving up, Moving on- Effective Transitions

English as an Additional Language

Equality and Diversity within an Early Years Setting

Black lives matter workshop

Dealing with and supporting children who bite

Early Brain Development

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Social and Emotional intelligence development in children

Theories of Learning

The importance of Play

Learning to Listen and non-verbal communication